
1 - Book Club
Initiated by our learners (bookworms) this year, our book club learners decide on certain books, read them and have discussions regarding the characters, plot and the language of the book.

2 - Coding Club
In order to fully equip our interested learners with the skills of future we have started a coding club in 2020. Our aim is to get our learners have basic understanding of programming languages and prepare them for national and international competitions. We are planning to include robotics component as well at a later stage for this club. Currently our focus is Python (one of the most popular nowadays)

3 - Media Club
The media club is a very interactive club at Star College and engages learners from Grade 8 to Grade 11. Two newsletters are compiled by our students that are issued to all parents and learners after each term.

The Student’s magazine – “Keeping up the SCG’s” – current and trending news
The Parent’s magazine – The Official Star College Girls High – Term feedback

The media club also hosts various events and celebrations such as the “Colour Fest”, Movie Night and Valentine’s Day Events just to name a few.

The Media club is interactive, fun and current. Follow us on Instagram @starcollegcpt for all our latest events and school activities. In addition, we have a Media Board at school where weekly events are updated, student of the week added, along with pictures (in conjunction with Shooting Star Photography club) and quotes.

We look forward to you joining the Media Club.

4 - Photography Club
Established in 2016, Shooting Stars Photography club is an elite and very special club at Star College Girls High school.

The club is a part of Star’s extensive extra-mural clubs and societies family, held every Tuesday for an hour (or however long required depending on the task). Learners are required a DSLR camera and are taught a range of skills regarding the art of photographs.

Every week new themes are explored, and new skills attained. Learners are involved and engaged, and the club is facilitated by a convenor that prioritises the learners’ interest for a holistic sense of development, alongside their academics.

The club runs throughout the year (excluding exams and control test weeks) and has many activities that encompasses both school and home. Learners are taught how to utilize their DSLR to its full potential.

Learners are taught a theme and are then given a task (related to the taught theme) to complete at home. Learners are then required to submit their shot/s the following week.

Working along-side our sister club Instar Media (Instagram: @starcollegecpt where Photography Club photos are often posted), Shooting Star girls are often utilized for school events (inter-house, fundraisers, excursions etc.) and should their photographs be used in the Media clubs’ quarterly school newsletter, they are credited by having their name mentioned alongside their photographs.

Shooting Stars Photography Club is more than a club, it is a family and as we learn, we also grow together. The Club is indictment to the passion that Star has in offering learners the best schooling experience possible.

Educator and Convenor – Ms. M. Lee

5 - Music Club

6 - Turkish Club

Star College Cape Town is an Independent, English Medium School, established by Horizon Educational Trust. We follow the Curriculum from the Department of Education and aim to be academically strong, producing excellent results in the National Matric exams as well as National and International Mathematics, Science and Computer Olympiads
Horizon Educational Trust © 1999 - 2022 / All Rights Reserved
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